NM EPSCoR Post-Doc Leadership Workshop

About the Workshop
The New Mexico EPSCoR Post Doc Leadership Workshop is an innovative 3-day intensive, residential program designed to enhance the professional skills of post-doctoral scholars in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. The workshop uses interactive approaches to develop leadership skills that contribute to post doc career development and success. Sessions include:
- Meeting Facilitation and Leadership
- Heather Balas (NM First) provides tools and strategies to build modern leadership and facilitation skills
- Communicating Science to the Media
- Sandra Blakeslee (New York Times science writer) engages participants in “mock” interviews about their research with members of TV, radio, and print media
- Communicating Science to the Media (pdf)
- Getting Funding
- Laura Crossey (UNM Professor), Richard Cripps (UNM Professor), and Mary Jo Daniel (UNM Director for Faculty Research Development) share their vast experience with proposal processes and provide tips for successfully securing funding
- Getting Funded (pdf)
- Activity Workshop Budget Spreadsheet (xlsx)
- Effective Teaching in Higher Education
- Gary Smith (Assistant Dean of Faculty Development in Education, UNM School of Medicine) presents strategies for transforming courses to improve student learning, motivation, and retention in STEM
- Pathways to Trasforming Student Learning and Persistence Through Course Design (pdf)
- Post Doc Career Planning
- Mark Emmons (Assoc. Dean, UNM University Libraries) introduces participants to tools and resources for career planning and development
- Post Doc Career Planning (pdf)
- Data Management
- Jon Wheeler (UNM University Libraries) shares tools to develop and execute architectures, policies, practices and procedures that properly manage data lifecycle needs
- Data Management (pdf)
- Mentoring Students
- Anne Jakle (NM EPSCoR) leads an interactive session on mentoring in higher education STEM areas
- Mentoring Students (pdf)
- Mentoring Resources (pdf)
- Research Ethics
- Bill Gannon (UNM Research Ethics Compliance) will focus on research ethics, including discussions of scenarios of ethically challenging situations for post docs
This workshop is open to post doctoral scholars in STEM fields from research institutions in New Mexico or our partner EPSCoR states of Nevada and Idaho. Lodging, meals and workshop materials are provided. Space is limited to 20 participants.
2017 Workshop Resources
- 2017 Workshop Agenda
- Guest Speaker Bios
- Ten Simple Rules for Getting Grants
- Early Career Funding Opportunities from UNM OVPR office